Mind. body. & Spirit.
Pulling the whole self together.

We are Beings of Light. We are more than just the physical body. The physical body, along with the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are all operating systems that are part of a greater whole through which our beings expresses themselves through. The physical is simply the most visible.
When looking into healing and well- being, we need to recognized that all of these bodies are individual aspects of a whole.They all interrelate and work together while also affecting and reflecting each other. Imbalances in any one of these systems will hinder another, restricting the flow of the light energy of our being from within.
Healing just one part of what makes up the whole self is not enough. When only dealing with one aspect, restriction and imbalances in the other bodies still remain, thus causing reoccurring problems. In order for the whole being to be healthy and vibrant, all of these bodies (or systems) must be in alignment and balanced to allow an unrestricted flow of one's own inner light from within.
The healing process is our being "re-balancing" self; making the whole self in all bodies aligned and unrestricted. All the techniques in the world will not heal a body unless the light in whom is being healed assists them.
We need to recognize the beings of light that we truly are, and get in touch with our true essence from within. We will then learn how light relates to us, as the bodies work together. With this knowledge, we will then be able to find the causes of imbalances that create disease. This will bring forth the understanding needed to evoke change. With the light, we can heal the causes, release the blockages, change the effects, and move beyond the present limitations. Only then can true healing and balance take place and well being be found.
It is only when these understandings are gain and finally learn to balance within us will that balance be reflected in our lives. Furthermore, as we find it within, it enables us to recognize and find balance outside of ourselves: with others, in our environment and in society. As we learn to do it individually, we will do it collectively.
The healing process is our being "re-balancing" -- making the whole self in all bodies aligned and unrestricted. All the techniques in the world will not heal a body unless the light assists the body being healed.